Grey Wolf
Canis Lupus

STATUS: Least Concern
We have eight Grey Wolves at the park. Naira is mum to the 7 others in the pack, who are all from the same litter. Despite being all boys and getting up to a lot of mischiefs, Naira keeps them all in line. They love to play chase, dig hols, pull off & play with tree branches and play fight with one another.
They are all named after their personalities & features. Scarface who used to have a scar over his right eye as a pup, Fats as he is the greedy one and Shadow who was the darkest & runt of the litter.
Learn more about our Grey Wolves at our daily talk at 11.30am at the Hudson Bay Wolf enclosure.
Don’t forget to check out our Carnivore Breakfast and Wolf Feed Experience! More info >> HERE <<
Grey wolves can live in most habitats if prey is present and forest settings are ideal. They can be found across remote areas of Canada, Alaska, Northern USA, Europe & Asia.
As carnivorous animals they feed on prey – deer, goats, boar and more, depending on what is accessible.
Grey Wolves are not as social as American, and packs may only contain 5 – 6 animals. Living as part of a pack enables them to hunt as a team and bring down the larger prey like deer and gorge eat.
Breeding females will give birth to 4 to 7 pups. Their age expectancy in the wild is 7 years but in captivity it is much higher with some reaching 15 years old.
Grey Wolves used to be found throughout much of the northern hemisphere, however today it has a more restricted distribution. Previously the Grey Wolf suffered years of hunting and trapping for fur but recent years legal protection and land use change has helped some populations recover. However some are still persecuted for their reputation as a livestock killer and hunted to extinction (including the UK).
Other main threat is the destruction of the forest habitats.
Wolves have a sense of smell about 100 times greater than humans and can smell other animals up to 1 mile away!