Papio Hamadryas

STATUS: Least Concern


We have four male Hamadryas Baboons at the park. Three of the group relocated to us in 2014 from the AAP Rescue Centre in Spain where they had been living for a few years after having been rescued from poor situations.
Diallo & Anando came from a group of more than six Baboons, who lived together in a German circus style zoo. They were confiscated by German authorities. Both Diallo & Anando developed a few behavioural problems during their time in the circus.
Rastan was found in 2004 by an animal shelter organisation in France. The owner could not show any evidence that he owned Rastan, and the housing was bad.
In 2023 we took on Omar a very handsome 10 year old Male from AAP. He was introduced to our group and instantly became best friends with Anando.
We are pleased we could offer them a good & stable home in their purpose built enclosure!
Join our daily talk at 2.45pm to learn more about our Baboons & the international wildlife trade.


Semi desert areas, savannas and rocky areas around the Horn of Africa and the South West tip of the Arabian peninsula.


They are opportunistic omnivores & eat a wide variety of foods, including blossoms, seeds, grasses, wild roots, leaves, insects and reptiles. Baboons will also hunt small mammals including hares & young gazelles. They change their tastes to whatever is available.


Hamadryas Baboons are highly social and have a very complex social structure. The smallest groups are called harems and are made up of an adult male, his 2 to 10 females & their young. The biggest groups are called troops and are made up of several hundred individuals. These troops sleep on cliffs in troops, in a seated position, so have pink ‘seating pads’ on their behind to make it more comfortable.
When a female Baboon is in season her bottom will get bigger and become more scarlet in colour, which indicates to males that they are ready to be mated. They usually have one offspring, who will suckle for up to 15 months. 


Although they are not endangered they suffer habitat loss due to major agricultural expansion & irrigation projects. Adult males are hunted for their skins which are used to embellish ceremonial cloaks in Ethiopia. They were formerly trapped in large numbers for medical research. They are classed as vermin in the African convention along with other species of Baboon.


Ancient Egyptians considered the Hamadryas Baboon to be sacred and associated it with Thoth, the god of letters. They were also associated with sun worship. They are also often known as the Sacred Baboon.