CMWDP Ltd is committed to improving practices on the park that impact negatively on the environment. It is recognised that there are improvements that need to be made and the company aims to minimise the impact of the business on the environment and send a positive message to visitors. The company also pledges to raise awareness to visitors on Global Environmental issues.
– Switch old lights to energy efficient LED lights
– Reduce usage by introducing energy efficient alternatives when making replacements
– Evaluate green energy alternatives – currently investigating hydroelectric power due to the amount of natural water running through the park
– Use environmentally friendly products wherever possible for building enclosures i.e. wood from sustainable sources with FSC logo and recycled material such as the ECO sheets which are made using recycled plastic
– Ensure new buildings are fully insulated
– Reduce the amount of water used on the park for hosing pathways and cleaning
– Trace and repair any water leaks
– Investigate recycling water and using rainwater
– Use tank filled with filtered stream water whenever possible for cleaning park, refilling toilets and the sea lion pools
– Look into inserting ‘hippo bags’ into the toilet cisterns to reduce water use
– Evaluate the filtration in the sea lion pool with a view to updating it to improve its effectiveness
– Reduce the amount of wastage produced on site
– Increase recycling of Batteries, Stamps, Bottles & Cans, Cardboard, Ink Cartridges, Paper and Oil
– Encourage visitors to recycle and continue to use an effective waste removal company that supports this
– Investigate alternative methods of animal waste disposal
– Reuse materials wherever possible
– Reduce paper use by recording more data online
– Increase the sale of Fairtrade Products in catering outlets
– Source catering products and snacks from companies that have ethical policies and source sustainable ingredients
– Use Bio Degradable Consumables as much as possible
– Purchase Stock for the Gift Shop from companies that support In Situ conservation and education in third world countries
– Encourage the purchasing of drink cans rather than bottles to reduce the use of single use plastic
The park has a naturally rich environment full of trees, plants and streams.
– Leave the environment as natural as possible and work with it when building new exhibits and enclosures
– Maintain a high percentage of the park as woodlands
– Plant native trees and plants that can also be used as browse for different species on the park
– Encourage indigenous wildlife and educate the public on our native species and bio diversity
– No herbicides or insecticides are to be used on the park
– Explore using environmentally sensitive products wherever possible
– Energy saving tips to be incorporated into the Employee induction handbook
– Encourage park visitors to be environmentally friendly through signage and messages incorporated into relevant animal talks
– If green energy such as hydroelectric power is found suitable for the park, the waterwheels and system are to be used as educational tools